How to Draw Lines on Domain_7 Maps

Google Maps & Google Earth

Thanks for considering creative applications of Google Maps, Google Earth and Street View.

These guidelines are for non-commercial use, except for the limited use cases described below. If you want to use Google Maps, Google Earth or Street View for other commercial purposes – meaning "for sale or revenue-generating purposes" – please contact the Google Cloud Customer Team.

We created this page to clarify questions we've received over the years about using our mapping tools in everything from marketing and promotional materials, films, television programmes, books, academic journals and much more.


Generally speaking, as long as you're following our Terms of Service and you're attributing properly, you can use our maps and imagery. In fact, we love seeing creative applications of Google Maps, Google Earth and Street View.

But we know you're looking for more specifics to ensure you're using our maps and imagery correctly. We suggest starting with the general guidelines below as these will apply to all projects. Feel free to click directly to the section that applies to your use:

  • General Guidelines General Guidelines

    General Guidelines

    Google Maps and Google Earth's "content" (as defined in the Google Earth/Google Maps Additional Terms of Service) includes everything you'd find in these products: map and terrain data, imagery, business listings, traffic, reviews and other related information provided by Google, its licensors and users.

    These guidelines cover your use of the content – with one exception. There are some particular guidelines regarding your use of Street View imagery available from both Google Maps and Google Earth. Please read the section below for instructions on how Street View imagery may or may not be used.

    Terms of Service

    To help you figure out whether your use of the content is acceptable, first read the following documents:

    • Google Terms of Service
    • Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service

    Your use of the content is first and foremost governed by the licences above.

    Fair use

    Apart from any licence granted to you by Google, your use of the content may be acceptable under principles of "fair use". Fair use is a concept under copyright law in the US that, generally speaking, permits you to use a copyrighted work in certain ways without obtaining a licence from the copyright holder.

    There are similar, although generally more limited, concepts in other countries' copyright laws, including a concept known as "fair dealing" in a number of countries. Google can't tell you if your use of the content from our products would be fair use or would be considered fair dealing; these are legal analyses that depend on all of the specific facts of your proposed use. We suggest you speak to a lawyer if you have questions regarding fair use of copyrighted works.

    Written permission

    Due to limited resources and high demand, we're unable to sign any letter or contract specifying that your project or use has our explicit permission. As long as you follow the guidance on this page, and attribute the content correctly, feel free to move forward with your project.


    All uses of the content must provide attribution to both Google and our data providers. We require clear, visible attribution when the content is shown. You may not move the attribution to the end credits or fade it out after a few seconds.

    Note that if you (a) embed a classic map, Street View panorama or My Map; (b) use one of our APIs on the web or in an application; or (c) use Google Earth Pro or Earth Studio on desktop; then the necessary attribution is already baked into the map and no further credit is needed. Learn more about how to properly credit, as well as how to identify providers, on our attribution guidelines page.

    If you're unwilling to meet our attribution requirements, contact our data provider(s) directly to inquire about purchasing the rights to use the content directly. You'll find provider contact information listed on their websites.

    Personalizing your map

    You may annotate our maps with additional information – like points, lines or labels. In fact, many of our tools have built-in features that make it easy to do just that. For example, Google My Maps lets you draw lines and shapes on a Google map. We also offer a Styling Wizard that allows you to edit the colours of individual map components (for example, changing water to purple), as well as toggle visibility for each component (for example, making roads invisible). If neither of those fit your needs, you may export an image from Google Earth or Earth Studio to add custom labels or graphics using third-party software.

    While we encourage annotations, you must not significantly alter how Google Maps, Google Earth, Earth Studio or Street View would look online. For example, you're not allowed to make any changes to the colours of the product interface.

    For Google Earth and Earth Studio content, you're not allowed to significantly alter our imagery without providing clear context that it's a simulation, projection or fictional content.

    Prohibited Conduct

    Note that you may not use output from Google Earth, Google Earth Pro and Earth Studio to reconstruct 3D models or create similar content, or to create other content, product(s) or service(s) that may violate our Terms of Service.

  • Print Print

    Uses in print

    Google Maps, and Google Earth, have built-in print or (for Earth Studio) export functionality. You may print content for non-commercial use and enlarge it (for example, a map with directions). In all uses where you'll distribute printed materials that include the content, first be sure to read the general guidelines above, especially with regard to fair use and attribution.

    Note that we cannot provide high-resolution or vector screen captures of Google Maps; however, you may use Google Earth Pro or Earth Studio on desktop to save and print high-resolution JPEGs. Images can be exported up to 4K.

  • Television & Film Television & Film

    Uses in TV and film

    Google Earth and Google Earth Studio

    You may use Google Earth and Earth Studio on television and in a featured film following the general guidelines on this page, especially with regard to on-screen attribution. This includes everything from news broadcasts, short films and documentaries, but does not include promotional films, advertisements or commercials. This Licence to use Google Earth and Earth Studio content applies to all types of film regardless of platform (and technology) distributed on, but does not extend to content distributed from or to these territories.

    Before using Google Earth or Earth Studio, please review our Licence Terms and Terms of Service. We also ask that you register your usage here we love seeing creative uses of Google Earth and appreciate the insights you share.

    Google Maps & Street View

    If you're using Google Maps or Street View, or your project features a scene in which our mapping products are referenced for example, if an actor uses Google Maps on a phone or an interview subject demonstrates how they used Google Maps in their research you should submit your project for approval according to the guidelines on the Entertainment and Media page.

  • Web & Apps Web & Apps

    Uses on the web or in applications

    If you'd like to use our content in a web-based project or application, please first review the general guidelines, especially with regard to attribution.

    Embeddable maps

    We have multiple APIs available to help you build and embed custom maps, including Street View, within your website or application. When using these APIs, certain restrictions may apply. If you simply need to embed a classic Google map or Street View panorama on your website, learn how to easily do so here.

    Google Earth images

    We know the imagery in Google Earth, both current and historical, can provide useful visual context to news websites, blogs and other educational sites. And often these sites want to use the imagery found in Google Earth or Earth Studio as still images, both as-is or annotated with additional labels and features.

    You may use a handful of these images in a news article or on a blog, as long as you follow our attribution rules. You may also want to look at Google Earth Pro and Earth Studio on your desktop and for these purposes.

    Google Earth video

    If you're just planning to distribute recreational content made in Google Earth or Earth Studio online (e.g. YouTube), no explicit permission is required for your project but the same attribution rules apply. Does not apply for ads/commercials or promotional content shown online.

  • Advertisements Advertisements

    Uses in advertisements


    If you'd like to use our content in a digital advertisement, please first review the general guidelines, especially with regard to attribution.

    Any use of Google Maps in digital advertisements must not significantly alter how the products and imagery would look online. Please see the "Personalising your map" section for specifics.

    Street View imagery can only be used in digital advertisements where (1) the imagery comes directly from the Google Maps APIs or (2) the imagery is embedded or linked to on your website using HTML and URL provided on Google Maps.

    You may not use Google Earth content in digital advertisements, unless you're working directly with a Google advertising team.

    TV & Print

    If you'd like to use Google Maps content in a television commercial, please refer to our guidelines on "Entertainment and Media" to request brand approval. Note that you may not use Google Earth, or Street View imagery in television commercials.

    You may not use Google Maps, Google Earth or Street View imagery in print advertisements.

  • Street View Street View

    Using Street View imagery

    If you'd like to use Street View imagery in your project, please first review our general guidelines, especially with regard to attribution.

    Street View imagery may be incorporated into your project if:

    • the imagery is embedded or linked on your website using HTML and URL provided on Google Maps; or
    • the imagery comes directly from the Google Maps APIs, as long as you abide by the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service.

    These solutions ensure that if Google edits or removes imagery in response to user requests, these changes will be reflected in your project too.

    Prohibited uses

    While we're excited to see many uses of Street View, there are some use cases that are prohibited. Examples of prohibited use cases include:

    • creating data from Street View images, such as digitising or tracing information from the imagery;
    • using applications to analyse and extract information from the Street View imagery;
    • downloading Street View images to use separately from Google services (such as an offline copy);
    • merging or stitching together multiple Street View images into a larger image.

    These restrictions apply to academic and commercial projects.

  • Trademarks Trademarks

    Use of trademarks

    Our trademarks are our valuable assets, and we want to make sure our users and partners use them correctly. These trademarks include the Google Earth wordmark, Google Maps wordmark, Google Earth logo, Google Maps logo, Google Maps red pin element, Street View wordmark, Street View icon, Pegman wordmark and the Pegman logo.

    Google Maps logo Street View icon Google Earth logo Google Maps red pin element Pegman logo

    How to use

    You may use our trademarks to accurately refer to our products or services, as long as such references are appropriate and consistent with our trademark guidelines. You may only use approved versions of our marks. Please follow all of the general trademark usage guidelines, the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service and the Street View Trusted badge usage guidelines. The trademark usage guidelines apply even to marks that were previously (but are no longer) used in connection with our products.

    Prohibited uses

    You may not use, incorporate or combine any of our trademarks into a third-party brand name, product name, business name, trade name or slogan.

    You may not use any of our marks in a way that suggests you are endorsed by or affiliated with Google or our Geo products. For example, you may not use our marks:

    • in domain names;
    • as app icons or featured in an app;
    • as the most prominent elements on your website;
    • on physical merchandise, promotional materials, business cards or business stationery;
    • in product reviews.

    Please do not modify or mimic our marks.

    Thanks again for using Google Maps, Google Earth and Street View.

How to Draw Lines on Domain_7 Maps


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